RODA Nylon – Abrasive Nylon Roll – Non-Woven
Abrasive Nylon Roll for finishing, deburring, smoothing and surface cleaning. Used to achieve a satin/sateen finish most commonly on metal. Popular among precision engineers, mould tool polishers and other industries as an easy to use and economical abrasive.
Due to being in roll form it is a very economical product because you can just tear or cut off a small piece to use at a time. It is the same material as our lap disc mops and nylon wheels, therefore we find it is very useful to have around when using similar products for touching up.
Part of our RODA range
Made in our UK Factory
Available in wide range of grades.
We also offer pre-cut Abrasive Nylon Hand Pads
HDVCA – The most aggressive abrasive nylon material. C80
Superior Brown – A very heavy duty cloth but leave a very clean bright medium grade finish. Longer lasting material, equivalent to 3M 7440 C100
Black Super Cut – Silicon carbide abrasive with a sharper cut that leaves a bright finish to match pre-blended steel. C110
HDMA – Heavy duty abrasive nylon material for severe conditions, but a finer finish than HDCA. C120
CA – A general purpose 180 grit abrasive nylon material. C180
MA – A general purpose 320 grit abrasive nylon material. C320
GREEN – A non-abrasive material for light deburring and cleaning operations. 400 GRIT * cheapest and General Use pad. M400
UFS – Ultra Fine Silicon carbide leave a very smooth silky like finish. F600
Applications for RODA Abrasive Nylon:
Abrasive Nylon Rolls are incredibly versatile.
- Polishing
- Deburring
- Finishing
- Removing and blending machine lines
- Abrasive cleaning
- Sateen finishing
- Surface preparation
- Scuffing to create a strong adhesive surface
Benefits & Best Features of RODA Nylon Rolls:
Our RODA Nylon Rolls are a popular abrasive for all kinds of industries.
- Can be used on a range of materials
- Simple and easy to use
- No tools required
- 8 available grades – from Ultrafine to Ultra course for varying finishing requirements
- No compound required – Impregnated throughout with grit
- Extremely cost-effective
- Perfect for any size job
- Simply tear or cut from the roll
- Stock available for next day delivery
- Made in our UK Factory
- Great quality
Suitable Materials:
Nylon Abrasive Rolls offer abrasive cleaning and satin finishing on a full range of materials.
- All metals, including steel and precious metals
- Plastics
- Wood
- Ceramics & Glass
Relevant industries using RODA Nylon:
Our RODA Nylon products are popular across an extensive range of industries.
- Mould Tool making
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Welding
- Fabrication
- Additive
- Oil and Gas
- Jewellery
- Metalwork
- Woodwork
- Sculpture
Recommendations for RODA Nylon:
- All ‘red’ grades are popular in the precision engineering industry
- C120 HDMA and M400 Green are our best selling grades in all industries.
- M320 MA and green are popular with jewellers for satin finishing.
- C120 HDMA is ideal for a nice heavy satin finish, it is quite abrasive so a light touch is needed
- M400 Green or C180 CA is ideal for a soft satin finish
- F600 UFS is the best for a very very light satin finish, this is also a good wheel to polish up and finish castings etc.
For more information give us a call – we have experts here who have been polishing for years!
And take a look at our You Tube page for videos of us hard at work finishing!