Who is it for?

The Murua range is specifically for jewellery makers. The range includes three separate systems, dependent on the material you work with. It works on ALL materials (except platinum) even palladium.

Muruagold – exclusive machine for all types of gold including pld alloys

New concept of Multi-machine system for electropolishing technology with automatic process. Gold alloys can be process in the same machine with different liquids. Easy Gold recovery process with 95% metal back.

Muruasilver&brass – specifically for silver and brass to improve your quality to high finishing

New concept of Multi-machine system for electropolishing technology with automatic process. Silver alloys can be processed in the same machine with different liquids. Easy recovery process with 95% metal back.

Muruauniversal – for all types of metal

New concept of Multi-machine system for electropolishing technology with automatic process. Gold and Silver&Brass alloys can be processed in the same machine with different liquids. Easy Gold recovery process with 95% metal back.

What does it do?

  • Polishes complex parts without disassembly
  • Reaches every corner
  • Gets to interior walls
  • Gets inside holes
  • Takes a variety of different sized parts

How does it work?

Inside the finisher, your parts are immersed in a special solution that coats the metal surfaces. The finisher, based on electrical mechanical principles smoothes and polishes the metal surface – even the finest details and crevices of the design.

before-after-4 - gold bracelet

What are the advantages?

  • Fast finishing times
  • Doesn’t round edges
  • Efficient polishing
  • Minimal pre-finishing
  • Organic solution
  • 100% Gold recover
  • Non-conductive materials or gemstones are not affected
  • Low maintenance solutions
  • Non-abrasive
before-after-2 - gold

Why choose electrofinishing?


The process, unlike mechanical finishing, does not rounds edges, and can penetrate in all dead zones. Allows for the creation of new designs that weren’t able to be polished well with conventional mass finishing steps.


The process achieves the highest polishing quality with minimal removal of material. All the extracted material is deposited on the cathode, where it can be completely recovered.


Does not require any specialized labor.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

At Moleroda, we can offer bespoke tools and reliable advice and tips on how to finish your components fast and efficiently.

Call us today or buy online.

See lots more Moleroda products here